your child
in motionless
Maximize stability with 2-axis gimbal technology that enables families to safely trek any terrain together.
You’re no longer confined to the same four walls. Now, you can share all of your favorite passions with your child in tow.
The freedom
to include your
child on every
Whether you’re nibbling fresh blueberries over cobblestone at the local farmer’s market or hiking the rugged back country of Patagonia, Käru let’s families experience the world together.
Gimbal Technology
Gimbal technology keeps your child stable with no jostling by compensating for changes in pitch and roll and suspending them motionless, fixed in inertial space.
Live the Life you love with your child by your side.
Here are a few
more benefits
Fits on Graco strollers
No jostling means your baby stays asleep.